Video Links
I am trying to make list for AI/Deep Learning in terms of Big Picture/Trends, Lectures/Course. I am creating another list mained focused on Application of this technology listed here.
Followings are topics on which I am compiling videos in this note.
At first I intended to put only the first lecture of each course/lectures and then let you follow through subsequent lectures, but I myself had difficulties in following through all the lectures in sequence. I was partly because in most case the unversity didn't post the video in a well packaged play list and partly because the video suggested by YouTube AI is not always
recommending the lectures in the course that I wanted. So I decided to list all of the lectures for each course here.
- Geoffrey Hinton: "Introduction to Deep Learning & Deep Belief Nets" (2012)
- Neural Networks for Machine Learning - Geoffrey Hinton, Nitish Srivastava, Kevin Swersky (2016)
- MIT 6.S094 - Lex Fridman (2017)
- Standford University : CS231 - Fei Fei Li, Justine Johnson, Serena Yeung (2017)
- MIT 6.S094 - Lex Fridman (2018)
- Stanford CS230: Deep Learning - Andrew Ng (2018)
- Stanford CS221 - Percy Liang (2019)
- MIT 6.S191 - Alexander Amini et al (2019)
- MIT Deep Learning Basics - Lex Fridman (2019)
- University of Toronto - Introduction to Machine Learning Course -(2019)
- Deep Learning - Jeramy Howard (2019)
- Linear Algebra and Learning from Data (2019)
- Deep Learning State of the Art (2020) | MIT Deep Learning Series (2020) - Lex Fridman
- MIT Introduction to Deep Learning | 6.S191 (2020) - Alexander Amini
- Meta Code (Korean)