





Plot - Spherical Coordinate


this code is created first by chatGPT on Feb 6 2023 (meaning using chatGPT 3.5) and then modified a little bit my me. The initial request that I put into chatGPT is as follows :


NOTE : At first, I tried to let chatGPT extend the this code. And I copied the whole code and paste it into chatGPT and asked it to add some additional functionalities, but chatGPT declined it at first trial and generated the code that looks out of context. So I decided to request new functionality in the form of function and add them manually to the code. And then I wrote AzimuthCircleGreat(r,a,d,va,ve) , ElevationCircle(r,a,d,va,ve), InclinedCircle(r,ia,d,va,ve) myself and add them to draw() function.


write a javascript function named SphericalToCartesian(r,a,e) that return a 3d cartesian point where r is radius, a is azimuth angle, e is elevation angle


write a javascript function name rotate3d(Ax,Ay,Az) that rotate a 3d point(x,y,z) around X,Y,Z axis by Ax,Ay,Az where Ax, Ay, Az is rotation angle around X,Y,Z respectively


NOTE : It is not guaranteed that you would have the same code as I got since chatGPT produce the answers differently depending on the context. And it may produce the different answers everytime you ask even with the exact the same question.

NOTE : I noticed that chatGPT misses some of the requirement or misinterprets.

NOTE : If you don't have any of your own idea for the request, copy my request and paste it into the chatGPT and put additional requests based on the output for the previous request. I would suggest to create a new thread in the chatGPT and put my request and then continue to add your own request.


Usage : Click on [Draw] button or change numbers in the inputbox by click on the spin button, you will get a 3D coordinate and a cube projected onto 2D canvas.

View Distance:
View Azimuth: View Elevation:

NOTE : red line indicates x axis, green line indicates y axis and blue line indicates z axis.



<!DOCTYPE html>






    <table align="center" style="border-collapse: collapse; border: 1px solid black;">



          View Distance: <input id="ViewDistance" type="number" value="10" onClick="draw()" onChange="draw()"/>

          <button id="Draw" onClick="draw()">Draw</button>





          View Azimuth: <input id="Azimuth" type="number" value="-10" onClick="draw()" onChange="draw()"/>

          View Elevation: <input id="Elevation" type="number" value="10" onClick="draw()" onChange="draw()"/>





          Inclination: <input id="Inclination" type="number" value="30" onClick="draw()" onChange="draw()"/>





          <center><canvas id="myCanvas" width="400" height="400" ></canvas></center>




    <script src="mathjs/math.js"></script>

    <script src="Coord_Spheical.js"></script>



NOTE : I downloaded the math.js library from Mathjs homepage and placed in local path : mathjs/math.js

NOTE : I took me longer time for me to debug this code than other examples. It seems chatGPT is not well trained with the details of handling the details of canvas.


var canvas = document.getElementById("myCanvas");

var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");

var r = document.getElementById("ViewDistance").value;

var va = document.getElementById("Azimuth").value;

var ve = document.getElementById("Elevation").value;



function p2dtop3d(p3x, p3y, p3z, r, va, ve) {

    // convert angle to radian

    va = va * Math.PI / 180;

    ve = ve * Math.PI / 180;


    var tmp = p3y;

    p3y = p3z;

    p3z = tmp;


    // apply rotation on x axis

    var y1 = p3y * Math.cos(ve) + p3z * Math.sin(ve);

    var z1 = -p3y * Math.sin(ve) + p3z * Math.cos(ve);


    // apply rotation on y axis

    var x2 = p3x * Math.cos(va) + z1 * Math.sin(va);

    var z2 = -p3x * Math.sin(va) + z1 * Math.cos(va);



    // scale the point

    //px = x2 * r / (r + z2);

    //py = y1 * r / (r + z2);

    // Calculate the value of px

    const px = math.evaluate('x2 * r / (r + z2)', { x2, r, z2 });


    // Calculate the value of py

    const py = math.evaluate('y1 * r / (r + z2)', { y1, r, z2 });


    return {

      x: px,

      y: py




function SphericalToCartesian(r, a, e) {

    if (isNaN(r) || isNaN(a) || isNaN(e)) {

        console.error("Input values must be numbers.");

        return [NaN, NaN, NaN];


    var x = r * Math.sin(e) * Math.cos(a);

    var y = r * Math.sin(e) * Math.sin(a);

    var z = r * Math.cos(e);

    return [x, y, z];



function AzimuthCircleGreat(r,a,d,va,ve) {


    points3d = [];

    th_end = 2*Math.PI;

    th_step = th_end / 40;


    for (var th = 0; th <= th_end; th += th_step) {

        points3d.push( SphericalToCartesian(r, a, th) );




    for (var i = 0; i < points3d.length -1 ; i ++) {

        var p2d1 = p2dtop3d(points3d[i][0], points3d[i][1], points3d[i][2], d, va, ve);

        var p2d2 = p2dtop3d(points3d[i + 1][0], points3d[i + 1][1], points3d[i + 1][2], d, va, ve);

        ctx.moveTo(p2d1.x, p2d1.y);

        ctx.lineTo(p2d2.x, p2d2.y);







function ElevationCircle(r,a,d,va,ve) {


    points3d = [];

    th_end = 2*Math.PI;

    th_step = th_end / 40;


    for (var th = 0; th <= th_end; th += th_step) {

        points3d.push( SphericalToCartesian(r, th, a) );




    for (var i = 0; i < points3d.length -1 ; i ++) {

        var p2d1 = p2dtop3d(points3d[i][0], points3d[i][1], points3d[i][2], d, va, ve);

        var p2d2 = p2dtop3d(points3d[i + 1][0], points3d[i + 1][1], points3d[i + 1][2], d, va, ve);

        ctx.moveTo(p2d1.x, p2d1.y);

        ctx.lineTo(p2d2.x, p2d2.y);






function rotate3d(x, y, z, Ax, Ay, Az) {


    // Define the rotation matrices for each axis

    let rotX = [[1, 0, 0], [0, Math.cos(Ax), -Math.sin(Ax)], [0, Math.sin(Ax), Math.cos(Ax)]];

    let rotY = [[Math.cos(Ay), 0, Math.sin(Ay)], [0, 1, 0], [-Math.sin(Ay), 0, Math.cos(Ay)]];

    let rotZ = [[Math.cos(Az), -Math.sin(Az), 0], [Math.sin(Az), Math.cos(Az), 0], [0, 0, 1]];


    // Multiply the rotation matrices to get the combined rotation matrix

    let rotXY = matrixMultiplication(rotX, rotY);

    let rotXYZ = matrixMultiplication(rotXY, rotZ);


    // Multiply the combined rotation matrix with the point

    let result = matrixVectorMultiplication(rotXYZ, [x, y, z]);


    return result;



function matrixMultiplication(A, B) {

    let result = [[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]];

    for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {

        for (let j = 0; j < 3; j++) {

            for (let k = 0; k < 3; k++) {

                result[i][j] += A[i][k] * B[k][j];




    return result;



function matrixVectorMultiplication(A, B) {

    let result = [0, 0, 0];

    for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {

        for (let j = 0; j < 3; j++) {

            result[i] += A[i][j] * B[j];



    return result;





function InclinedCircle(r,ia,d,va,ve) {


    points3d = [];

    pi = Math.PI;

    th_end = 2*pi;

    th_step = th_end / 40;


    for (var th = 0; th <= th_end; th += th_step) {

        pt3d = SphericalToCartesian(r, th, 0.5*Math.PI);

        x = pt3d[0];

        y = pt3d[1];

        z = pt3d[2];

        rp3d = rotate3d(x, y, z, 0, -(pi/2-ia), 0);

        points3d.push( rp3d );




    for (var i = 0; i < points3d.length -1 ; i ++) {

        var p2d1 = p2dtop3d(points3d[i][0], points3d[i][1], points3d[i][2], d, va, ve);

        var p2d2 = p2dtop3d(points3d[i + 1][0], points3d[i + 1][1], points3d[i + 1][2], d, va, ve);

        ctx.moveTo(p2d1.x, p2d1.y);

        ctx.lineTo(p2d2.x, p2d2.y);







function DrawCube(dim, cx, cy, cz, r, va, ve) {

    var points = [];

    points.push([cx - dim / 2, cy - dim / 2, cz - dim / 2]);

    points.push([cx - dim / 2, cy - dim / 2, cz + dim / 2]);

    points.push([cx - dim / 2, cy + dim / 2, cz - dim / 2]);

    points.push([cx - dim / 2, cy + dim / 2, cz + dim / 2]);

    points.push([cx + dim / 2, cy - dim / 2, cz - dim / 2]);

    points.push([cx + dim / 2, cy - dim / 2, cz + dim / 2]);

    points.push([cx + dim / 2, cy + dim / 2, cz - dim / 2]);

    points.push([cx + dim / 2, cy + dim / 2, cz + dim / 2]);



    ctx.strokeStyle = "black";


    for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) {

        var p2d1 = p2dtop3d(points[i][0], points[i][1], points[i][2], r, va, ve);

        var p2d2 = p2dtop3d(points[i + 4][0], points[i + 4][1], points[i + 4][2], r, va, ve);

        ctx.moveTo(p2d1.x, p2d1.y);

        ctx.lineTo(p2d2.x, p2d2.y);






    for (var i = 0; i < 8; i+=2) {

        var p2d1 = p2dtop3d(points[i][0], points[i][1], points[i][2], r, va, ve);

        var p2d2 = p2dtop3d(points[i + 1][0], points[i + 1][1], points[i + 1][2], r, va, ve);

        ctx.moveTo(p2d1.x, p2d1.y);

        ctx.lineTo(p2d2.x, p2d2.y);






    for (var i = 0; i < 2; i+=1) {

        var p2d1 = p2dtop3d(points[i][0], points[i][1], points[i][2], r, va, ve);

        var p2d2 = p2dtop3d(points[i + 2][0], points[i + 2][1], points[i + 2][2], r, va, ve);

        ctx.moveTo(p2d1.x, p2d1.y);

        ctx.lineTo(p2d2.x, p2d2.y);






    for (var i = 4; i < 6; i+=1) {

        var p2d1 = p2dtop3d(points[i][0], points[i][1], points[i][2], r, va, ve);

        var p2d2 = p2dtop3d(points[i + 2][0], points[i + 2][1], points[i + 2][2], r, va, ve);

        ctx.moveTo(p2d1.x, p2d1.y);

        ctx.lineTo(p2d2.x, p2d2.y);








function DrawAxis(dim, r, va, ve) {


    // draw x-axis


    ctx.strokeStyle = "red";


    var px = p2dtop3d(-dim, 0, 0, r, va, ve).x;

    var py = p2dtop3d(-dim, 0, 0, r, va, ve).y;

    ctx.moveTo(px, py);


    var px = p2dtop3d(dim, 0, 0, r, va, ve).x

    var py = p2dtop3d(dim, 0, 0, r, va, ve).y

    ctx.lineTo(px, py);



    // draw y-axis

    ctx.strokeStyle = "green";


    var px = p2dtop3d(0, -dim, 0, r, va, ve).x

    var py = p2dtop3d(0, -dim, 0, r, va, ve).y

    ctx.moveTo(px, py);


    var px = p2dtop3d(0, dim, 0, r, va, ve).x

    var py = p2dtop3d(0, dim, 0, r, va, ve).y

    ctx.lineTo(px, py);



    // draw z-axis

    ctx.strokeStyle = "blue";


    var px = p2dtop3d(0, 0, -dim, r, va, ve).x

    var py = p2dtop3d(0, 0, -dim, r, va, ve).y

    ctx.moveTo(px, py);


    var px = p2dtop3d(0, 0, dim, r, va, ve).x

    var py = p2dtop3d(0, 0, dim, r, va, ve).y

    ctx.lineTo(px, py);





function draw() {

    var r = document.getElementById("ViewDistance").value;

    var va = document.getElementById("Azimuth").value;

    var ve = document.getElementById("Elevation").value;

    var ia = document.getElementById("Inclination").value;


    var s = 1;

    var dim = 2;

    var coord_r = 1.5;

    var pi = Math.PI;

    var d2r = pi/180;

    var hr = pi/2;

    var cx = 0, cy = 0, cz = 0;

    ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);;

    ctx.lineWidth = 1/(canvas.width/4);

    ctx.scale(s*canvas.width / 4, -s*canvas.height / 4);

    ctx.translate(s*2, -s*2);


    DrawAxis(2, r, va, ve);

    ctx.strokeStyle = "black";

    for(t = 0; t < Math.PI; t += pi/9)


    for(t = 0; t < Math.PI; t += pi/8)  


    ctx.lineWidth = 4 * 1/(canvas.width/4);    

    ctx.strokeStyle = "violet";

    ElevationCircle(coord_r,hr - ia*d2r,r,va,ve);

    ElevationCircle(coord_r,(2*hr - (hr-ia*d2r)),r,va,ve);

    ctx.strokeStyle = "green";


    ctx.lineWidth = 1 * 1/(canvas.width/4);

