4G/LTE - LTE Advanced







Following is the mapping table for PUSCH (Uplink). If you look at the table carefully, you would notice that the modulation parameter is Q'm (Q prime m), not Qm. It implies that this is some additional rule to convert the Q'm to Qm. This rule is described at the beginning of 36.213 8.6.1.


< 36.213 Table 8.6.1-1 >



Simply put, the mapping between Qm and Q'm gets different whether UE support Uplink 64 QAM or not. How eNB can figure out whether a UE support UL 64 QAM or not ? UE is supposed to notify this capability to eNB via UE Capability Information message as shown below. If UE support 64 QAM and eNB enable UL 64 QAM, Q'm = 6 is translated to Qm = 6 (64 QAM), but if UE does not support 64 QAM and eNB does not enable UL 64 QAM, Q'm = 6 is translated to Qm = 4. (Refer to 36.213 8.6.1 for further details).


NOTE : Even though Qm varies depending on the situation as explained above, the Mapping between I_MCS and I_TBS does not change. It means the mapping between I_MCS and Transport block size does not change. As a result, PUSCH Code Rate would change in case of Q'm = 6 depending on whether it is translated to 16 QAM or 64 QAM.



How eNB knows whether a UE support 64 QAM or not ?

: eNB can figure it out from UE Capability Information as shown below


      +-phyLayerParameters-v1170 = Omit

      +-ue-Category-v1170  = 9

      +-nonCriticalExtension = 00001

        +-rf-Parameters-v1180 = Omit

        +-mbms-Parameters-r11 = Omit

        +-fdd-Add-UE-EUTRA-Capabilities-v1180 = Omit

        +-tdd-Add-UE-EUTRA-Capabilities-v1180 = Omit


          +-ue-Category-v11a0 = 11

          +-measParameters-v11a0 = Omit


            +-phyLayerParameters-v1250 = Omit


            | +-supportedBandListEUTRA-v1250 = 5

            | | +-SupportedBandEUTRA-v1250  

            | | | +-dl-256QAM-r12 = supported

            | | | +-ul-64QAM-r12 = supported

            | | +-SupportedBandEUTRA-v1250  

            | | | +-dl-256QAM-r12 = supported

            | | | +-ul-64QAM-r12 = supported

            | | +-SupportedBandEUTRA-v1250  

            | | | +-dl-256QAM-r12 = supported

            | | | +-ul-64QAM-r12 = supported

            | | +-SupportedBandEUTRA-v1250  

            | | | +-dl-256QAM-r12 = supported

            | | | +-ul-64QAM-r12 = supported

            | | +-SupportedBandEUTRA-v1250  

            | |   +-dl-256QAM-r12 = supported

            | |   +-ul-64QAM-r12 = supported




How UE figure out whether it has to use 64QAM or not ?


This answer to this question is described in 36.213 8.6.1 as follows.


For 0 <= MCS_I <≤28 , the modulation order ( Qm ) is determined as follows:

    - If the UE is capable of supporting 64QAM in PUSCH and has not been configured by higher layers to transmit only QPSK and 16QAM, the modulation order is given by Qm in Table 8.6.1-1. // this means UE should use 64QAM if MCS >= 21

    - If the UE is not capable of supporting 64QAM in PUSCH or has been configured by higher layers to transmit only QPSK and 16QAM, Q'm is first read from Table 8.6.1-1. The modulation order is set to Qm = min(4, Q'm ) // This means UE does not use 64 QAM

Now the questions is what does it mean by 'Configured by higher layers' ?  Followings are the IEs that seems to be related to the higher layer configuration.


    +-systemInformation-r8 ::= SEQUENCE [0]

      +-sib-TypeAndInfo ::= SEQUENCE OF SIZE(1..maxSIB[32]) [1]

      | +- ::= CHOICE [sib2]

      |   +-sib2 ::= SEQUENCE [00]

      |     +-ac-BarringInfo ::= SEQUENCE OPTIONAL:Omit

      |     +-radioResourceConfigCommon ::= SEQUENCE

      |     | +-rach-ConfigCommon ::= SEQUENCE

      |     | +-bcch-Config ::= SEQUENCE

      |     | +-pcch-Config ::= SEQUENCE

      |     | +-prach-Config ::= SEQUENCE

      |     | +-pdsch-ConfigCommon ::= SEQUENCE

      |     | +-pusch-ConfigCommon ::= SEQUENCE

      |     | | +-pusch-ConfigBasic ::= SEQUENCE

      |     | | | +-n-SB ::= INTEGER (1..4) [1]

      |     | | | +-hoppingMode ::= ENUMERATED [interSubFrame]

      |     | | | +-pusch-HoppingOffset ::= INTEGER (0..98) [16]

      |     | | | +-enable64QAM ::= BOOLEAN [True]

      |     | | +-ul-ReferenceSignalsPUSCH ::= SEQUENCE

      |     | +-pucch-ConfigCommon ::= SEQUENCE

      |     | +-soundingRS-UL-ConfigCommon ::= CHOICE [release]

      |     | +-uplinkPowerControlCommon ::= SEQUENCE

      |     | +-ul-CyclicPrefixLength ::= ENUMERATED [len1]

      |     | +-EXTENSION ::= SEQUENCE [001]



      |     |   +-VERSION-BRACKETS3 ::= SEQUENCE [1] OPTIONAL:Exist

      |     |     +-pusch-ConfigCommon-v1270 ::= SEQUENCE OPTIONAL:Exist

      |     |       +-enable64QAM-v1270 ::= ENUMERATED [true]

      |     +-ue-TimersAndConstants ::= SEQUENCE

      |     +-freqInfo ::= SEQUENCE [00]

      |     +-mbsfn-SubframeConfigList ::= SEQUENCE OF OPTIONAL:Omit

      |     +-timeAlignmentTimerCommon ::= ENUMERATED [infinity]

      |     +-EXTENSION ::= SEQUENCE [0000]

      |       +-lateNonCriticalExtension ::= OCTET STRING OPTIONAL:Omit




      +-nonCriticalExtension ::= SEQUENCE OPTIONAL:Omit




How UE figure out whether it has to use 64QAM or not for SCC in UL CA ?




    rrc-TransactionIdentifier: 0

    criticalExtensions: c1 (0)





                            sCellToAddModList-r10: 1 item

                                Item 0


                                        sCellIndex-r10: 1


                                            physCellId-r10: 1

                                            dl-CarrierFreq-r10: 3048



                                                dl-Bandwidth-r10: n100 (5)


                                                    antennaPortsCount: an2 (1)


                                                    phich-Duration: normal (0)

                                                    phich-Resource: oneSixth (0)


                                                    referenceSignalPower: -30dBm

                                                    p-b: 1



                                                    ul-CarrierFreq-r10: 21048

                                                    ul-Bandwidth-r10: n100 (5)

                                                    additionalSpectrumEmissionSCell-r10: 1

                                                p-Max-r10: 24dBm


                                                    p0-NominalPUSCH-r10: -40dBm

                                                    alpha-r10: al08 (5)

                                                soundingRS-UL-ConfigCommon-r10: release (0)

                                                    release: NULL

                                                ul-CyclicPrefixLength-r10: len1 (0)


                                                    prach-ConfigIndex-r10: 3



                                                        n-SB: 1

                                                        hoppingMode: interSubFrame (0)

                                                        pusch-HoppingOffset: 16

                                                        ...1 .... enable64QAM: True


                                                        .... 0... groupHoppingEnabled: False

                                                        groupAssignmentPUSCH: 0

                                                        ..0. .... sequenceHoppingEnabled: False

                                                        cyclicShift: 0


                                                enable64QAM-v1270: true (0)





                                                        transmissionMode-r10: tm3 (2)

                                                        codebookSubsetRestriction-r10: c0

                                                        ue-TransmitAntennaSelection: release (0)

                                                            release: NULL


                                                        p-a: dB-3 (2)



                                                        transmissionModeUL-r10: tm1 (0)


                                                        p0-UE-PUSCH-r10: 0dB

                                                        deltaMCS-Enabled-r10: en0 (0)

                                                        1... .... accumulationEnabled-r10: True

                                                        pSRS-Offset-r10: 0

                                                        pSRS-OffsetAp-r10: 0

                                                        filterCoefficient-r10: fc4 (4)

                                                        pathlossReferenceLinking-r10: pCell (0)


                                                        nomPDSCH-RS-EPRE-Offset-r10: 0dB (0)

                                                        cqi-ReportPeriodicSCell-r10: release (0)

                                                            release: NULL





Reference :


[1] R4-151580 : 3GPP TSG-RAN WG4 #74bis Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 20th – 24th April 2015