4G/LTE - Multi Cell





LTE to LTE Handover


The simplest way to define the word 'handover' would be "chaging the partner".

Who is chaning the partner ?

I meant "UE (Mobile Phone)".

Who is the parter in this case ?

I meant "Cell".

Therefore "Handover" is the process in which UE changes the cell.  In this note, we will look into the details of LTE to LTE handover procedure.




Procedure of Handover (LTE to LTE handover)


Overall logic is simple and this process are the same (or at least very similar) in every technology.

    i) A UE is in connection with a cell (let's call this 'Cell A').

    ii) Now a situation that requires handover happened.

    iii) Network send "signal quality measurement" command to UE for the garget cell ('Cell B') to which it will handover to.

    iv) UE performance the measurement and report the "measurement result" to the network via the current cell (Cell A).

    v) Network evaluate the measurement result reported by UE.

    vi) If the evaluation result turns out to be good for handover, Network send 'Change Cell' command to UE.

    vii) UE perform the cell change process.

    viii) If cell change process is completed properly, UE send 'cell change completion' message to the network via the target cell (Cell B).


I used very generic term e.g, "signal quality measurement command", "measurement result", "Change Cell Command", "Cell Change Completion Message" etc. These generic commands can be translated to a specific jargon for each technology. For example, if I translate these for UMTS, they would be as follows :

    "Signal quality measurement command" ==> Measurement Control

    "Measurement Result" ==> Measurement Report

    "Change Cell Command" ==> Physical Channel Reconfiguration or ActiveSetUpdate

    "Cell Change Compeletion Message ==> Physical Channel Reconfiguration Complete or ActiveSetUpdateComplete


If you translate them into LTE jargon, they will be as follows.

    "Signal quality measurement command" ==> RRC Connection Reconfiguration

    "Measurement Result" ==> Measurement Report

    "Change Cell Command" ==> RRC Connection Reconfiguration

    "Cell Change Compeletion Message ==> RRC Connection Reconfiguration Complete


You may noticed that LTE is using the same message called "RRC Connection Reconfiguration" both for "Signal quality measurement command" and "Change Cell Command". How UE can tell whether it means "Signal quality measurement command" or "Change Cell Command" ?


Good question ! You will see the answer later.


Then you may have whole lots of questions. It is very good. The more questions you have, the more information you will get through this page.. (not now, in the future -: ) Following is a set of my personal questions.

    i) you talked about "Signal Quality Measurement". What kind of signal quality UE has to measure ? Would it be a certain absolute value ? or a some relative value with reference to some other value ? or is it a special event changes ?

    ii) How much time I can leave the current cell to perform the measurement for target cell ? (If the leave too long from the current cell to measure target cell, the call would drop. But if this time is too short, UE would not get correct measurement values).

    iii) What if UE failed to performe the measurement or fail to find the target cell ?

    iv) you talked about "Change Cell", how UE can change cell ? Just cut the connection with the current cell and reconnect to the target cell ? or is there any specific procedure ?

    v) Cutting the connection from the current cell will be easy, but how can UE reconnect to target cell ?

    vi) What if UE failed to reconnect to target cell after he cut off the connection with the current cell ?


This list would get longer and longer.


Now let's jump into detailed technical aspects of LTE handover. Following is the overall and simplest form of LTE-LTE handover procedure. (This sequence is based on 36.523 TC and I modified the sequence a little bit for clear/easy understanding, hopefully -:). It means this is mainly for UE side aspect of Handover process.





Target Cell



UE <---> SS

< Power On and Registration >

Cell 1



UE <---> SS

< Now UE is in IDLE mode >

Cell 1



UE <--- SS


Cell 1



UE ---> SS

RRC Connection Request

Cell 1



UE <--- SS

RRC Connection Setup

Cell 1



UE ---> SS

RRC Connection Setup Complete

Cell 1



UE <--- SS

Security Mode Command

Cell 1



UE ---> SS

Security Mode Complete

Cell 1



UE <--- SS

RRC Connection Reconfiguration

Cell 1

reactivating default EPS Bearer


UE ---> SS


Cell 1



UE <--- SS

RRC Connection Reconfiguration

Cell 1

Measurement Control for Target Cell


UE ---> SS


Cell 1



UE ---> SS

Measurement Report

Cell 1



UE <--- SS

RRC Connection Reconfiguration

Cell 1

Handover Command


UE ---> SS


Cell 2



UE <--- SS

RACH Response

Cell 2



UE ---> SS


Cell 2



UE <--- SS


Cell 2



UE ---> SS


Cell 2



UE ---> SS

ulInformationTransfer + Detach Request

Cell 2



UE <--- SS

RRC Connection Release

Cell 2



Now let's dig into some of the critical steps of this handover process. I will start with radio message for these critical steps and put additional comments as time goes a long.




RRC Connection Reconfiguration for Target Cell Measurement (Step 11)


I will add more comments later, but for now let's just look into the contents of this message. As you see in the parts marked in red, most part of this message about measurement.


Actual message for the measurement would not be as complicated as this one (may be longer due to the long list of cells to be measured), but I enabled almost every information elements for the reference. Especially understanding the Quantity Configuration parameters would take very long for you to understand in details and would be the main source of problems you will have in field test and field troubleshoot.



  +-message ::= CHOICE [c1]

    +-c1 ::= CHOICE [rrcConnectionReconfiguration]

      +-rrcConnectionReconfiguration ::= SEQUENCE

        +-rrc-TransactionIdentifier ::= INTEGER (0..3) [0]

        +-criticalExtensions ::= CHOICE [c1]

          +-c1 ::= CHOICE [rrcConnectionReconfiguration-r8]

            +-rrcConnectionReconfiguration-r8 ::= SEQUENCE [100000]

              +-measConfig ::= SEQUENCE [01010111111] OPTIONAL:Exist

              | +-measObjectToRemoveList ::= SEQUENCE OF OPTIONAL:Omit

              | +-measObjectToAddModList ::= SEQUENCE OF SIZE(1..maxObjectId[32]) [1]

              | | +-MeasObjectToAddMod ::= SEQUENCE

              | |   +-measObjectId ::= INTEGER (1..maxObjectId[32]) [1]

              | |   +-measObject ::= CHOICE [measObjectEUTRA]

              | |     +-measObjectEUTRA ::= SEQUENCE [100000]

              | |       +-carrierFreq ::= INTEGER (0..maxEARFCN[65535]) [6300]

              | |       +-allowedMeasBandwidth ::= ENUMERATED [mbw25]

              | |       +-presenceAntennaPort1 ::= BOOLEAN [FALSE]

              | |       +-neighCellConfig ::= BIT STRING SIZE(2) [01]

              | |       +-offsetFreq ::= ENUMERATED [dB0] OPTIONAL:Exist

              | |       +-cellsToRemoveList ::= SEQUENCE OF OPTIONAL:Omit

              | |       +-cellsToAddModList ::= SEQUENCE OF OPTIONAL:Omit

              | |       +-blackCellsToRemoveList ::= SEQUENCE OF OPTIONAL:Omit

              | |       +-blackCellsToAddModList ::= SEQUENCE OF OPTIONAL:Omit

              | |       +-cellForWhichToReportCGI ::= INTEGER OPTIONAL:Omit

              | +-reportConfigToRemoveList ::= SEQUENCE OF OPTIONAL:Omit

              | +-reportConfigToAddModList ::= SEQUENCE OF SIZE(1..maxReportConfigId[32]) [1]

              | | +-ReportConfigToAddMod ::= SEQUENCE

              | |   +-reportConfigId ::= INTEGER (1..maxReportConfigId[32]) [1]

              | |   +-reportConfig ::= CHOICE [reportConfigEUTRA]

              | |     +-reportConfigEUTRA ::= SEQUENCE

              | |       +-triggerType ::= CHOICE [event]

              | |       | +-event ::= SEQUENCE

              | |       |   +-eventId ::= CHOICE [eventA3]

              | |       |   | +-eventA3 ::= SEQUENCE

              | |       |   |   +-a3-Offset ::= INTEGER (-30..30) [0]

              | |       |   |   +-reportOnLeave ::= BOOLEAN [FALSE]

              | |       |   +-hysteresis ::= INTEGER (0..30) [0]

              | |       |   +-timeToTrigger ::= ENUMERATED [ms640]

              | |       +-triggerQuantity ::= ENUMERATED [rsrp]

              | |       +-reportQuantity ::= ENUMERATED [both]

              | |       +-maxReportCells ::= INTEGER (1..maxCellReport[8]) [1]

              | |       +-reportInterval ::= ENUMERATED [ms1024]

              | |       +-reportAmount ::= ENUMERATED [r1]

              | +-measIdToRemoveList ::= SEQUENCE OF OPTIONAL:Omit

              | +-measIdToAddModList ::= SEQUENCE OF SIZE(1..maxMeasId[32]) [1] OPTIONAL:Exist

              | | +-MeasIdToAddMod ::= SEQUENCE

              | |   +-measId ::= INTEGER (1..maxMeasId[32]) [1]

              | |   +-measObjectId ::= INTEGER (1..maxObjectId[32]) [1]

              | |   +-reportConfigId ::= INTEGER (1..maxReportConfigId[32]) [1]

              | +-quantityConfig ::= SEQUENCE [1111] OPTIONAL:Exist

              | | +-quantityConfigEUTRA ::= SEQUENCE [11] OPTIONAL:Exist

              | | | +-filterCoefficientRSRP ::= ENUMERATED [fc0] OPTIONAL:Exist

              | | | +-filterCoefficientRSRQ ::= ENUMERATED [fc0] OPTIONAL:Exist

              | | +-quantityConfigUTRA ::= SEQUENCE [1] OPTIONAL:Exist

              | | | +-measQuantityUTRA-FDD ::= ENUMERATED [cpich-RSCP]

              | | | +-measQuantityUTRA-TDD ::= ENUMERATED [pccpch-RSCP]

              | | | +-filterCoefficient ::= ENUMERATED [fc0] OPTIONAL:Exist

              | | +-quantityConfigGERAN ::= SEQUENCE [1] OPTIONAL:Exist

              | | | +-measQuantityGERAN ::= ENUMERATED [rssi]

              | | | +-filterCoefficient ::= ENUMERATED [fc0] OPTIONAL:Exist

              | | +-quantityConfigCDMA2000 ::= SEQUENCE OPTIONAL:Exist

              | |   +-measQuantityCDMA2000 ::= ENUMERATED [pilotStrength]

              | +-measGapConfig ::= CHOICE [release] OPTIONAL:Exist

              | | +-release ::= NULL

              | +-s-Measure ::= INTEGER (0..97) [0] OPTIONAL:Exist

              | +-preRegistrationInfoHRPD ::= SEQUENCE [11] OPTIONAL:Exist

              | | +-preRegistrationAllowed ::= BOOLEAN [FALSE]

              | | +-preRegistrationZoneId ::= INTEGER (0..255) [0] OPTIONAL:Exist

              | | +-secondaryPreRegistrationZoneIdList ::= SEQUENCE OF SIZE(1..2) [1]

              | |   +-PreRegistrationZoneIdHRPD ::= INTEGER (0..255) [0]

              | +-speedStatePars ::= CHOICE [setup] OPTIONAL:Exist

              |   +-setup ::= SEQUENCE

              |     +-mobilityStateParameters ::= SEQUENCE

              |     | +-t-Evaluation ::= ENUMERATED [s30]

              |     | +-t-HystNormal ::= ENUMERATED [s30]

              |     | +-n-CellChangeMedium ::= INTEGER (1..16) [1]

              |     | +-n-CellChangeHigh ::= INTEGER (1..16) [1]

              |     +-timeToTrigger-SF ::= SEQUENCE

              |       +-sf-Medium ::= ENUMERATED [oDot25]

              |       +-sf-High ::= ENUMERATED [oDot25]

              +-mobilityControlInfo ::= SEQUENCE OPTIONAL:Omit

              +-dedicatedInfoNASList ::= SEQUENCE OF OPTIONAL:Omit

              +-radioResourceConfigDedicated ::= SEQUENCE OPTIONAL:Omit

              +-securityConfigHO ::= SEQUENCE OPTIONAL:Omit

              +-nonCriticalExtension ::= SEQUENCE OPTIONAL:Omit




RRC Connection Reconfiguration for Cell Change (Step 14)


I will add more comments later, but for now let's just look into the contents of this message. As you see in the parts marked in red, most part of this message about measurement. As you see in the part marked red, major part of this message is 'mobilityControlInfo' IE and 'securityConfigHO'.


'mobilityControlInfo' tells UE about the frequency of target cell and various physical channel configuration and RACH procedure information about the target cell. In short, this IE (information element) carries the most of SIB2 information of target cell.


+-c1 ::= CHOICE [rrcConnectionReconfiguration-r8]

  +-rrcConnectionReconfiguration-r8 ::= SEQUENCE [010110]

    +-measConfig ::= SEQUENCE OPTIONAL:Omit

    +-mobilityControlInfo ::= SEQUENCE [1000] OPTIONAL:Exist

    | +-targetPhysCellId ::= INTEGER (0..503) [2]

    | +-carrierFreq ::= SEQUENCE [1] OPTIONAL:Exist

    | | +-dl-CarrierFreq ::= INTEGER (0..maxEARFCN[65535]) [6300]

    | | +-ul-CarrierFreq ::= INTEGER (0..maxEARFCN[65535]) [24300] OPTIONAL:Exist

    | +-carrierBandwidth ::= SEQUENCE OPTIONAL:Omit

    | +-additionalSpectrumEmission ::= INTEGER OPTIONAL:Omit

    | +-t304 ::= ENUMERATED [ms1000]

    | +-newUE-Identity ::= BIT STRING SIZE(16) [0001000000110100]

    | +-radioResourceConfigCommon ::= SEQUENCE [100010000]

    | | +-rach-ConfigCommon ::= SEQUENCE OPTIONAL:Exist

    | | | +-preambleInfo ::= SEQUENCE [0]

    | | | | +-numberOfRA-Preambles ::= ENUMERATED [n52]

    | | | | +-preamblesGroupAConfig ::= SEQUENCE OPTIONAL:Omit

    | | | +-powerRampingParameters ::= SEQUENCE

    | | | | +-powerRampingStep ::= ENUMERATED [dB2]

    | | | | +-preambleInitialReceivedTargetPower ::= ENUMERATED [dBm-104]

    | | | +-ra-SupervisionInfo ::= SEQUENCE

    | | | | +-preambleTransMax ::= ENUMERATED [n6]

    | | | | +-ra-ResponseWindowSize ::= ENUMERATED [sf10]

    | | | | +-mac-ContentionResolutionTimer ::= ENUMERATED [sf48]

    | | | +-maxHARQ-Msg3Tx ::= INTEGER (1..8) [4]

    | | +-prach-Config ::= SEQUENCE [1]

    | | | +-rootSequenceIndex ::= INTEGER (0..837) [86]

    | | | +-prach-ConfigInfo ::= SEQUENCE OPTIONAL:Exist

    | | |   +-prach-ConfigIndex ::= INTEGER (0..63) [3]

    | | |   +-highSpeedFlag ::= BOOLEAN [FALSE]

    | | |   +-zeroCorrelationZoneConfig ::= INTEGER (0..15) [5]

    | | |   +-prach-FreqOffset ::= INTEGER (0..94) [2]

    | | +-pdsch-ConfigCommon ::= SEQUENCE OPTIONAL:Omit

    | | +-pusch-ConfigCommon ::= SEQUENCE

    | | | +-pusch-ConfigBasic ::= SEQUENCE

    | | | | +-n-SB ::= INTEGER (1..4) [1]

    | | | | +-hoppingMode ::= ENUMERATED [interSubFrame]

    | | | | +-pusch-HoppingOffset ::= INTEGER (0..98) [4]

    | | | | +-enable64QAM ::= BOOLEAN [FALSE]

    | | | +-ul-ReferenceSignalsPUSCH ::= SEQUENCE

    | | |   +-groupHoppingEnabled ::= BOOLEAN [TRUE]

    | | |   +-groupAssignmentPUSCH ::= INTEGER (0..29) [0]

    | | |   +-sequenceHoppingEnabled ::= BOOLEAN [FALSE]

    | | |   +-cyclicShift ::= INTEGER (0..7) [0]

    | | +-phich-Config ::= SEQUENCE OPTIONAL:Omit

    | | +-pucch-ConfigCommon ::= SEQUENCE OPTIONAL:Omit

    | | +-soundingRS-UL-ConfigCommon ::= CHOICE [setup] OPTIONAL:Exist

    | | | +-setup ::= SEQUENCE [0]

    | | |   +-srs-BandwidthConfig ::= ENUMERATED [bw3]

    | | |   +-srs-SubframeConfig ::= ENUMERATED [sc0]

    | | |   +-ackNackSRS-SimultaneousTransmission ::= BOOLEAN [TRUE]

    | | |   +-srs-MaxUpPts ::= ENUMERATED OPTIONAL:Omit

    | | +-uplinkPowerControlCommon ::= SEQUENCE OPTIONAL:Omit

    | | +-antennaInfoCommon ::= SEQUENCE OPTIONAL:Omit

    | | +-p-Max ::= INTEGER OPTIONAL:Omit

    | | +-tdd-Config ::= SEQUENCE OPTIONAL:Omit

    | | +-ul-CyclicPrefixLength ::= ENUMERATED [len1]

    | +-rach-ConfigDedicated ::= SEQUENCE OPTIONAL:Omit

    +-dedicatedInfoNASList ::= SEQUENCE OF OPTIONAL:Omit

    +-radioResourceConfigDedicated ::= SEQUENCE [000001] OPTIONAL:Exist

    | +-srb-ToAddModList ::= SEQUENCE OF OPTIONAL:Omit

    | +-drb-ToAddModList ::= SEQUENCE OF OPTIONAL:Omit

    | +-drb-ToReleaseList ::= SEQUENCE OF OPTIONAL:Omit

    | +-mac-MainConfig ::= CHOICE OPTIONAL:Omit

    | +-sps-Config ::= SEQUENCE OPTIONAL:Omit

    | +-physicalConfigDedicated ::= SEQUENCE [0000111111] OPTIONAL:Exist

    |   +-pdsch-ConfigDedicated ::= SEQUENCE OPTIONAL:Omit

    |   +-pucch-ConfigDedicated ::= SEQUENCE OPTIONAL:Omit

    |   +-pusch-ConfigDedicated ::= SEQUENCE OPTIONAL:Omit

    |   +-uplinkPowerControlDedicated ::= SEQUENCE OPTIONAL:Omit

    |   +-tpc-PDCCH-ConfigPUCCH ::= CHOICE [setup] OPTIONAL:Exist

    |   | +-setup ::= SEQUENCE

    |   |   +-tpc-RNTI ::= BIT STRING SIZE(16) [0000001111111111]

    |   |   +-tpc-Index ::= CHOICE [indexOfFormat3]

    |   |     +-indexOfFormat3 ::= INTEGER (1..15) [1]

    |   +-tpc-PDCCH-ConfigPUSCH ::= CHOICE [setup] OPTIONAL:Exist

    |   | +-setup ::= SEQUENCE

    |   |   +-tpc-RNTI ::= BIT STRING SIZE(16) [0000000111111010]

    |   |   +-tpc-Index ::= CHOICE [indexOfFormat3]

    |   |     +-indexOfFormat3 ::= INTEGER (1..15) [1]

    |   +-cqi-ReportConfig ::= SEQUENCE [11] OPTIONAL:Exist

    |   | +-cqi-ReportModeAperiodic ::= ENUMERATED [rm30] OPTIONAL:Exist

    |   | +-nomPDSCH-RS-EPRE-Offset ::= INTEGER (-1..6) [0]

    |   | +-cqi-ReportPeriodic ::= CHOICE [setup] OPTIONAL:Exist

    |   |   +-setup ::= SEQUENCE [1]

    |   |     +-cqi-PUCCH-ResourceIndex ::= INTEGER (0..1185) [0]

    |   |     +-cqi-pmi-ConfigIndex ::= INTEGER (0..1023) [25]

    |   |     +-cqi-FormatIndicatorPeriodic ::= CHOICE [widebandCQI]

    |   |     | +-widebandCQI ::= NULL

    |   |     +-ri-ConfigIndex ::= INTEGER (0..1023) [483] OPTIONAL:Exist

    |   |     +-simultaneousAckNackAndCQI ::= BOOLEAN [FALSE]

    |   +-soundingRS-UL-ConfigDedicated ::= CHOICE [setup] OPTIONAL:Exist

    |   | +-setup ::= SEQUENCE

    |   |   +-srs-Bandwidth ::= ENUMERATED [bw0]

    |   |   +-srs-HoppingBandwidth ::= ENUMERATED [hbw0]

    |   |   +-freqDomainPosition ::= INTEGER (0..23) [0]

    |   |   +-duration ::= BOOLEAN [TRUE]

    |   |   +-srs-ConfigIndex ::= INTEGER (0..1023) [20]

    |   |   +-transmissionComb ::= INTEGER (0..1) [0]

    |   |   +-cyclicShift ::= ENUMERATED [cs0]

    |   +-antennaInfo ::= CHOICE [defaultValue] OPTIONAL:Exist

    |   | +-defaultValue ::= NULL

    |   +-schedulingRequestConfig ::= CHOICE [setup] OPTIONAL:Exist

    |     +-setup ::= SEQUENCE

    |       +-sr-PUCCH-ResourceIndex ::= INTEGER (0..2047) [20]

    |       +-sr-ConfigIndex ::= INTEGER (0..155) [30]

    |       +-dsr-TransMax ::= ENUMERATED [n4]

    +-securityConfigHO ::= SEQUENCE OPTIONAL:Exist

    | +-handoverType ::= CHOICE [intraLTE]

    |   +-intraLTE ::= SEQUENCE [0]

    |     +-securityAlgorithmConfig ::= SEQUENCE OPTIONAL:Omit

    |     +-keyChangeIndicator ::= BOOLEAN [FALSE]

    |     +-nextHopChainingCount ::= INTEGER (0..7) [0]

    +-nonCriticalExtension ::= SEQUENCE OPTIONAL:Omit




Common Root Cause for Handover Failure


Handover failure is a common problem in LTE networks that can result in degraded network performance and poor user experience. The root cause of handover failure can be complex and multifaceted, involving issues with UE hardware and software, network configuration, and radio access network (RAN) design. Addressing these issues requires a thorough understanding of the underlying causes and a targeted approach to troubleshooting and resolving the problem. We all know that there would be a lot of handover failure we will encounter in the field, but it is hard (almost impossible) to exactly pin point out exactly when it will happen by what cause.  The only thing we can try is to consolidate various cases of the failure from the field and brainstorm on the possible root causes. Followings are some of the root causes (of course not all of them) we can think of.

  • Weak or fluctuating signal strength: A weak signal can cause a handover failure because the target cell may not have sufficient signal strength to maintain the connection. Fluctuating signal strength can also lead to a handover failure because the UE (User Equipment) may not be able to determine the best target cell.
  • Interference: Interference from other devices or networks can cause a handover failure. This is particularly common in urban areas where multiple networks may be operating in close proximity.
  • Congestion: Congestion on the network can cause a handover failure because there may not be enough resources available to support the handover.
  • Incorrect neighbor cell list: If the UE's neighbor cell list is not properly configured, it may not be able to identify the best target cell for handover.
  • UE issues: UE hardware or software issues can cause a handover failure. For example, if the UE is not properly configured, it may not be able to perform a handover correctly. Followings are some of possible UE issues we can think of (Of course,you may have further issues based on your own experience).
    • Incorrect UE configuration: If the UE is not properly configured, it may not be able to perform a handover correctly. For example, if the measurement parameters are not set correctly, the UE may not be able to accurately measure the signal strength of the surrounding cells.
    • Hardware issues: UE hardware issues, such as faulty antennas or radios, can cause a handover failure. This can result in a weak signal or an inability to communicate with the serving cell.
    • Software issues: UE software issues, such as incorrect firmware or operating system versions, can also cause handover problems. For example, if the firmware is outdated, the UE may not be able to support the latest handover protocols.
    • Battery issues: If the UE's battery is low or failing, it may not be able to maintain a stable connection with the serving cell. This can cause a handover failure or result in the UE being unable to communicate with the network.
    • Incompatible UE: If the UE is not compatible with the network or the network operator's configuration, it may not be able to perform a handover correctly. This can result in a handover failure or an inability to establish a connection with the network.
  • Network configuration issues: Configuration issues within the network can cause a handover failure. For example, if the handover parameters are not properly set, the handover may fail. Followings are some of examples of Network configuration Issues that may lead to handover failure.
    • Incorrect handover parameters: Handover parameters such as hysteresis, time-to-trigger, and threshold values need to be set correctly for successful handover. If the parameters are not properly configured, the UE may not be able to identify the best target cell, leading to handover failures.
    • Incorrect neighbor cell list: The UE's neighbor cell list needs to be properly configured to ensure that it can accurately measure and identify the best target cell for handover. If the neighbor cell list is not up-to-date or properly configured, the UE may not be able to make an optimal handover decision.
    • Incorrect cell coverage area: If the coverage area of cells is not configured properly, it can cause handover problems. For example, if the cells are too small or too large, the UE may not be able to make a successful handover decision.
    • Incorrect load balancing settings: Load balancing is used to distribute traffic across cells to optimize network performance. However, if the load balancing settings are not configured properly, the UE may be handed over to a heavily loaded cell that cannot support the additional traffic, resulting in a handover failure.
    • Incorrect mobility settings: Mobility parameters such as handover margin, mobility state, and handover priority need to be set correctly for successful handover. If the parameters are not properly configured, the UE may not be able to make an optimal handover decision.
    • Incorrect radio access network (RAN) configuration: If the RAN is not configured properly, it can cause handover problems. For example, if the RAN is not properly dimensioned or the inter-site distance is too large, it can result in handover failures.
  • Ping Pong handover: A ping pong handover occurs when the UE rapidly switches between two cells, causing network congestion and impacting the quality of service. This can be caused by incorrect measurement thresholds, incorrect neighbor cell lists, or a weak signal in both cells.
  • Radio link failure: A radio link failure (RLF) occurs when the UE is unable to communicate with the serving cell. This can be caused by interference, a weak signal, or congestion. If the RLF is not detected in time, it can lead to a handover failure.
  • Load balancing issues: Load balancing is used to distribute traffic across cells to optimize network performance. However, incorrect load balancing settings can cause handover failures if the UE is handed over to a heavily loaded cell that cannot support the additional traffic.
  • Handover triggered too late: If the handover decision is triggered too late, the UE may have already lost the signal from the serving cell, resulting in a handover failure.