Engineering Math - Matrix





SVD (Singular Value Decomposition) - Application - Image Compression


In this application, I assign the whole pixel data of an black-and-white image to the matrix M

    M = imgBW; % 511 x 513 image, 511 x 513 data

Then I did SVD as follows.


Then take out only n colums from U and V matrix and take out (n x n) submatrix from S as shown below.

    Uc = U(:,1:n);

    Sc = S(1:n,1:n);

    Vc = V(:,1:n);

Then reconstruct the image from these submatrix as follows.

    CompressedImage = Uc * Sc * Vc   (Note : '*' indicate the matrix multiplication(Inner Product))

Following result shows you the Original Image and all the diagonal values of S matrix and CompressedImage. This is the case when n = 30; In this case, Uc is (511 x 30) matrix, Sc is (30 x 30) matrix, Vc is (513 x 30) matrix.



Following result shows you the Original Image and all the diagonal values of S matrix and CompressedImage. This is the case when n = 50; In this case, Uc is (511 x 50) matrix, Sc is (50 x 50) matrix, Vc is (513 x 50) matrix.


< List 1 >


    clear all;



    imgBW = rgb2gray(img);


    M = imgBW;



    Sd = diag(S);


    n = 30;

    Uc = U(:,1:n);

    Sc = S(1:n,1:n);

    Vc = V(:,1:n);

    CompressedImag = Uc*Sc*Vc';







    plot(Sd,'ro','MarkerFaceColor',[1 0 0],'MarkerSize',2);

    hold on;


    hold on;

    xlim([0 length(Sd)]);




